n my last blog post I talked about my word for 2018. Last year my word was BALANCE and I do feel that I was able to maintain some balance in my work/life struggle which was amazing. I had been working 6 days a week and progressively getting more and more burned out and neglecting myself and it came to a point where I had to choose between jobs which was DIFFICULT! As I am a classic work-a-holic I will go go go until the day I die but at some point my health and personal life really needed to become a priority again. This year my word is GROWTH and I truly mean growth in every aspect of my life, my business, my health, my love life, my relationships, spirituality ect.
When I was in undergrad I was almost a psychology major, as in I took so many psychology classes I was only a few credits away from a full on major but then fell in love with the arts. Something that burned itself into my mind was Maslows Hierarchy of Needs. If you haven't heard of this before I would like to share it with you as I think it is a fantastic guide for creating healthy lifestyles. Below is a triangle which breaks down Maslows Hierarch of Needs. At the lowest level is our Basic Needs which includes Physiological and Safety. These needs are followed by the middle section which is our Psychological Needs, Belonging and Esteem. The highest level is Self- Fulfillment Needs which consists of Self-actualisation. If you too are looking for areas to grow in, in the new year it may be a good idea to take a look at this chart and identify where you are feeling strong and areas that may need some work.
For me I am a work-a-holic, I put a lot of time and energy into my business, career, and self exploration constantly striving to achieve my full potential. My efforts are always focused on the top half of the triangle where things like Physiolgical Needs are neglected eating unhealthy, getting too little sleep, and not taking care of myself as well as I should. This is an area I aim to improve in 2018.
My challenge to you is to take a good hard look at your life, and identify the areas that you are excelling in (give yourself a pat on the back and keep up the good work) and identify the areas that need some improvement.
This is how I aim to GROW in 2018. I will keep you updated along the way.
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IMAGE SOURCE: https://mrjoe.uk/maslows-hierarchy-needs-psychology-myth-busting-1/ |