Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Art on my sleeves...

I remember when I decided to declare my major in the fine arts at Pacific Lutheran Unviersity. I was walking to the business building to take a writing GUR class and I saw a guy walking to the art building with a huge drawing portfolio case. It was so memorable because I remember he looked so content... who knows he could have been happy about something else, but I was certain it was because he was doing what he loved and at that moment I decided... I love art and thats what I want to do with my life!

This memory came back to me today when I was thinking about the class I enrolled in at The Gage Academy on Capitol Hill... The Gage Academy has completely won me over. I love everything about this place. From the beautiful brick architecture, to the free nature of the classes, and the vibrant artist community it has created. I have taken a Mixed Media Painting class, Art in the Renaissance Lecture class, and starting tomorrow the Features of the Head Animated Lecture class.

What is interesting about this is...

When I traveled to Paris in 2008 (can't believe it was 4 years ago!) My small class visited the The School of Beaux Art. The history of the school is that it was created to train students in the field of painting, drawing, sculpture, and architecture. There were many famous artist who taught and graduated from this school. What most impressed me though was the presence of the space. I was able to sit in on a figure drawing class and I remember feeling like it would be impossible to create a mediocre piece due to the pure magic of the space its like... well... it's like the artist of the past were there to inspire...

oh yeah back to whats interesting...

I recently found out that the teacher that I've been taking classes from at the Gage Academy Gary Faigin, studied and graduated from The School of Beaux Art.... I thought this was interesting considering that I had no idea when I enrolled. Really it's not that big of a deal, but it dawned on me that looking back through the past events in my life God really did have a plan and over time it has begun to reveal itself.

So I guess that contagious art space that is the School of Beaux Art and The Gage Academy do have a little something in common.

Just a little piece of my little life...

This is a drawing from a sketch I did at The Museum d'Orsay in Paris using techniques that are taught at The Gage Academy, and The School of Beaux Art...

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